Episode #127 – Nick Quick on Landing Clients and Sales With Enticing Daily Emails (learn how to write them)

by John McIntyre

Nick Quick is on the show today to talk email marketing.

He uses his skills to make email marketing work like money magic for all of his clients.

So today,

You’re gonna learn how to keep your emails fun and engaging…

…every single day.

Because people DO want daily emails (even when they say they don’t).

They just have to be good enough to engage them and make them want to open each one they get.

Nick and I also talk about email marketing strategy.

Because daily emails aren’t always the answer.

But sometimes they are.

The answer lies in the testing,

And finding out for yourself the hard way.

Learn the 3 resources Nick uses to come up with brilliant head snapping email subject lines every single day.

Between these 3 resources,

You will have an endless supply.

Because you don’t always have to rely on your genius.

Nick leverages some very cool resources you’ll wanna check out around halfway through the interview.

Learn how to chisel your email marketing because if you have something to sell,

Using email is a way that’ll tap into the vast majority..

..letting you provide value to as many people as you possibly can (and grow yourself a nice hefty income at the same time).


In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • the Open Volley Technique that uses 5-7 emails to ensure you’re whitelisted to help get you in contact with prospects
  • several different things you can do right now to get your people opening emails (and the bad apples off your list!)
  • why Nick doesn’t believe hard selling on each email is a good way to go (learn what he uses to sell loads of products instead)
  • how to craft an enticing email in reverse (use this backwards technique to bulletproof each email you ever write)
  • the nifty technique Nick uses when he’s stumped and has got nothing to come up with genius subject lines 
  • how Eugene Schwartz influenced Nick to craft emails that readers can’t get enough of from day one
  • Nick’s email idea generation technique that nails a message and subject line instantly, everytime (no matter the end goal of your email)
  • why you should never commit to action based on what customers say... do it based on how the react to things
  • Nick’s outrageous email subject line technique that lets him disregard open and clickthrough rates yet still rake in massive sales

Email Marketing Podcast Episode 1


Intro and outro backing music: Forever More by CREO


Raw transcript:

Download PDF transcript here.

John McIntyre: It’s John McIntyre here, the auto responder guy. I’m here

with Nick Quick. Nick we met on Facebook and instead of email this time we started chatting

in Columbia which is where I am right now. Started chatting about email turns out Nick has an

email marketing business with you know he’s living a life here in Columbia and I thought we

get him on the show to bit of a chat about his process, you know how he gets clients and how

he writes his email. So, we will talk about this today. So, Nick, how are you doing man?

Nick: Hey, I am doing fantastic, excited to be here. Let’s talk some

email huh.

John McIntyre: So, before you into the exact process, can you give the

listener just a background on who you are and a bit about your story.

Nick: Yeah, exactly, I started marketing about ten years ago and it was

back in the time when I really didn’t have any business opinion on online marketing. I just

knew that I hated my day job and decided to start something different and for a long time I

was just falling flat on my ass basically. I was just straight yeah working right until I

discovered the power of email marketing and once I was able to harness that power, that was

when I was able to really kind of hit my full stride and start really making some sales and was

able to get to a point where I was able to be not worried about paying all my bills, now that I

got to the point where money was just flowing in and it was about that point the people in

the niche that I had chosen were starting to pay attention to my emails. They’re like wholly

crap. Those were some pretty interesting emails you’re doing in very different styles in a very

different way and so some other people ask me to start writing some of their emails for them

and then that kind of translated into finding some people that were sending a lot of traffic,

but weren’t really capitalizing on their emails. I approached them and asked them if I could

do the email marketing for them. They said yes and then I just started taking clients from

then on and so it’s been kind of a wild adventure of finding different ways to make people buy

some of the craziest stuff, but people they love buying. Email marketing done right. They

love to buy.

John McIntyre: That’s true man. That’s email for you it’s interesting. I’m

curious how did you one thing that stands out there in that story is like when you decide that

you going to go for some more clients, how did find the people who were driving whole lot of

traffic, but weren’t sending emails?

Nick: I started asking people that they usually like beer … people to

people that nobody really knows who they are, but I started just kind of asking around, trying

to figure out. I knew one guy, now don’t judge here. He was a spammer but he also was

collected a lot of leads and just emailing but emailing just … so I approached him to start off

with like listen you sending out crap, you are sending out millions of emails that are horrible,

why not have me write them for you and we’ll split the profits and you know he’s hesitant at

first, but just try it out a few emails and see what happens and just after a couple of emails

he was like alright this is going right, let’s keep this going on. So, it’s kind of how you do it.

You cannot just ask around looking for people who know traffic, because one thing that I’ve

noticed is that most guys were really got the traffic is terrible copy and vice versa those who

are really good at copier typically terrible traffic. So, it’s good to find those kind of ways that

you can meet up where one can do the one side of the business and the other can do the

other side of the business.

John McIntyre: Right, absolutely, absolutely. So, you mentioned that

when we first started chatting that you hate auto-responders. So, we get an email guy right

here who hates auto responders. So, tell me about that.

Nick: It’s not that I hate auto responders; I just don’t find them as

effective as just writing fresh daily emails. I don’t find there is much fun either to sit down or

write an auto responder sequence. I find it much more satisfying to come up with daily

creative stuff. I don’t know, I guess it stretches my thinking muscles a little bit more, flexes

them a bit if you will too come up with something new, some exciting new way to pitch the

same product that I am pitching everyday … that list. So, I think it gives me more of a

creative outlet then an auto-responder kind of … forget and I also think in a lot of ways, I

mean, I do have a lot of auto responders sequences that are in my series or in my system, but

the bulk of the work is done from my fresh daily emails, if that makes sense. Like, I do want

to get them excited to open my email, there’s an auto-responder series for that. I do want to

get them excited about the product pages bought and hopefully you know push them towards

another products, so I have an auto responder series for that. I want to get people off my list

that aren’t opening, so I had a series for that, but other than that it’s just fresh daily emails.

John McIntyre: Nice, feel like Benson

Nick: Yeah lot of like Benson. In fact, he is probably my number one

influence on being able to learn the craft of email marketing. I have learnt more from him

than just anyone.

John McIntyre: Okay, okay, so tell me about this process that you follow,

because you mentioned a few times the process that you follow for these emails, some sort of

magic recipe and you got a product …so what this process?

Nick: Yeah, I have got something I call the opening Bali and it’s just a

quick sequence and its five to seven email that gets them excited to open the emails, so that

they are putting you into their priority inbox to get them responding to you so that, I mean

I’m not teaching you anything new here, but if you can get somebody who respond back to you

and you responded them, it looks like you’re having a conversation. So, Google and Hotmail

and all those things are going to start putting your emails into their priority inbox instead of

going off into the promotional stabber. Got for … going off in the spam box, so just things

that will beat them into that, things that keep them excited to spread the word. There is you

know several different things that you can do right off the bat that will get them excited to

want to open your emails and also check to the curb those who don’t want to hear from you

every day. I don’t … right after that but I am probably gonna be emailed you every day and

some days I might email you twice three times a day. If you don’t like that you can go ahead

and get off my list.

John McIntyre: So, how do you do this several … excited about. It’s very

easy, but how does it actually work.

Nick: We’re going to think about it. I mean just going back to kind of

Aug Schwartz type where it’s just what’s the conversation that they’re having in mind when

they signed up. What is that they just signed up for that? They were excited enough to give

you their email, so they did want to hear from you and right there’s actually kind of a key

mindset that you need to have. A lot of people think well people don’t want to email that

much and I say people do if you, they just don’t want to be you know boring stuff every day,

but if you can keep it fun and exciting, yes they do want to hear from you. So, when they

signed up they are kind of showing yes, I’m raising my hand and want to hear from you what

have you got. So, keep it fun, keep it entertaining and people will want to open them or they

get off your list.

John McIntyre: Yes

Nick: So, either way you win. There’s no sense in having a list for

people who don’t want to hear from you.

John McIntyre: So, how do you break that down? So, when it comes to

being fun, being interesting how you actually get inside someone take, because a lot of

people struggle with that.

Nick: Yeah, it is one of those things where it goes into researching a

lot, looking at the motivations. I think at the very core people have the same basic motivation

for everything, but I mean take for example let’s go with the solar panels. That’s pretty dry

topic right, pretty boring. Well, did you know that they’re actually coming down in price and

that’s why there’s such a huge increase in the amount of solar panels that have been installed

in the U.S. Why, because China created a whole bunch of extra one that they couldn’t get rid

of, so now they’re the entire surplus Chinese are exporting their solar panels over to the U.S.

so you can do subject lines something like Chinese and the Asian watch out and it ties into

how all of these Chinese solar panels are coming and how we should snatch them up, well we

can, because they are way underpriced. So, that was just one of the things that when I was

doing the research for such a boring niche, I was able to come across this. That’s one of the

reasons that the prices for them have come down drastically in the last 2 years.

John McIntyre: Yeah, okay, interesting, so that’s interesting because you

know like a story the Chinese invasion they … of patriotic American would open that. So, how

would you codify that? I mean it’s an interesting question of like it’s easy to make examples of

interesting. It’s easy to describe what interesting is, but what would be like the three steps or

the five steps to writing interesting emails?

Nick: Alright, here’s what I usually do. You can do this how everyone. A

lot of people will write their emails personal, they try to come up with the subject line later.

I will sometimes have an idea of what I want to accomplish, you know, whether it’s I want

them to go check out the sales page, or want them to hit reply. Figure out what it is that you

want them to do first. At the end of it you want them to go check out the sales page for

example, okay, so that’s the angel. Then, I’m going to start with the subject line and usually

what I try to do is come up with something that is either outrageous or something that’s going

to get people to want to open them. Now, honestly I don’t really pay attention to open or

answer click through rate. I really only pay attention to sales, but if I can get a catchy subject

line, then I want to backwards create an email that would justify whatever subject line that I

came up with. Now, I’m going to give you three ways that I come up with subject lines when I

can’t think of anything and guess what you don’t even have to come up with yourself either.

There are three resources that I go to all the time and yeah maybe I’ll … tweak it a little bit

here and there, but to come up with a really good headline, there’s a few websites out there.

One of them is called headlines basher and what it does is it takes like click paid type,

subject lines from different topics and smashes them together. So, if you went there you

would see all sorts of crazy subject lines. In fact, let me just pull … see there you go. So,

now you got something outrageous like that.

John McIntyre: Pretty you are right … reportedly found in Martian


Nick: So, you take any of these subject lines and come up with the

way to justify it. I mean that’s the biggest thing is if you do it outrages one like this you’re

going to have to have a good payoff for it. So, come up with a creative way for you to justify

whenever it is here. So, yeah if you are ever at a loss for what your subject line is going to

be? Go to this site. Another thing that you can do is subscribe to direct.com. I don’t ever even

read their emails. I don’t visit their site, but I will just put a little filter for dig in my Gmail

and they have some really amazing subject lines that you can just take or tweak it to your

own purposes to pitch your own niche and then write something that flows from that. That

would be a good payoff. More on a practical level, if you want to just be straightforward,

what you can do is go to any sort of subedit for the topic at hand. So, let’s say you’re in a

fitness niche; you’d go to one of the fitness subedit and just see what’s booted up to the top,

because whatever has been booted up to the top is obviously getting a lot of tractions, giving

a lot of action. It’s probably also going to get a lot of action you will eat even as well, so you

can use whatever subject lines that niche happens to have that seems to be popular and craft

an email that’s coming from that subject line and from there find, once I have got that idea

then the email itself just kind of flows and yes it does take a lot of practice. It’s one of those

things that I know when you are first starting out writing emails and when you are coming up

against the daunting task of writing every day, it could be a little bit scary at first, but the

more you get in the habit of doing it, easier becomes and the more right kind words are going

to flow.

John McIntyre: Yeah, I mean it’s interesting how anyone else doing daily

emails. I haven’t done this in a while, but daily emails was, you should get in, you get some

momentum going and if every day you wake up and you write an email you should yeah you

get in a habit of doing it and then when you sit down it’s not actually that hard you think of

ideas and you just start spewing out ridiculous stuff and you find a way to turn it into an


Nick: Exactly, exactly, it just becomes a habit. It just becomes …

actually is therapeutic, you feel good when you do it. You enable to get out all of those

demons and get out all of that … that you might have and then get out all those jokes that

you want to get rid of or stuff like that, so it does becomes really therapeutic creative outlet

for you, becomes one of those.

John McIntyre: Yeah interesting, okay, okay. So, then what about you,

when you wake up in the morning, like what’s your day look like. It sounds like you spent a

little time writing emails. So, what is your day look like?

Nick: Yeah, I mean it is slow start at first. I’m not much of a morning

person. So, before my coffee nothing is happening. Please don’t talk to me before that

happened or I might blow up, but after I get my coffee, I mean, I’m ready to go and I’m all

fired up. I will start writing emails. I will start if I had an idea of what I want to promote and

if I have the angle of just dive right into it. If I need to do a little bit of research or come up

with some angle to start pitching whatever it is that I’m pitching, then I’ll start going through

the three sides that I have just said right now or I mean another thing which you can do is

look at the covers of magazines that are really popular. That would be related to your niche.

They usually have some good stuff that you can steal from or tweaked a little bit. I usually

wouldn’t say they had great headlines. Just straight of a cover to your subject line, but they

do have some that you can with a little bit of tweaking you can use. So, then I just start

writing emails and honestly within a couple of hours I’m usually done … between five and


John McIntyre: Okay, okay and that takes three hours, four hours.

Nick: Yeah depending, it’s funny because sometimes emails just come

out of you, just naturally and you’ll have done in 5 minutes and then every time you just sit

with that blank paper, that blank screen in front of you trying to figure out exactly how to do

it or some you get halfway through and you realize this is going nowhere, its going down …

It’s kind of crumbling under its own weight, so you have to start over, but no big deal. I

usually try to just keep things, I try to keep keyboard moving. I try to keep my fingers typing

even if its bunch of gibberish. I can then go back later and edit them. Though, a lot of the

times I don’t need to.

John McIntyre: Yeah, okay, and then so what mistakes have you made

over the last …

Nick: What mistakes haven’t I made up? I made a lot of them. Related email marketing I

would probably say first being dogged thinking that people didn’t want to be contacted all

that much. I did a survey awhile ago my list asking them how often they wanted to be

contacted and what would you guess they would say like? Once every week, once every two

weeks, some like that? Yeah, it’s pretty much there, typical response and I think if you ask

people … tell you, but if you’re writing something they enjoy, they’re going to want to hear

from you a lot more. So, never really go by what they say. Go by what they respond to. That’s

more going to be a more accurate gauge for you. You’ll notice at first when you start, I mean,

I was scared at first when I started … like everybody’s going to unsubscribe. I’m going to get

so many spam complaints and honestly I didn’t really get that many. Sure was there a period

like birthing pain period where there were few more unsubscribe then the normal, yes. But

probably most of the people who would never going to buy from you anyways. They needed to

get off and then Igot a more proactive period getting them off the list, then I did back then,

but yeah so thinking that people didn’t want to be bothered that much by email was probably

my biggest mistake. So, once I have fixed that, things really shifted.

John McIntyre: Nice, I found that too when I first get into this. When I

just getting started. It was the same thing. I was like oh I was just doing what most people

do, just signing every 3 days or once a week or something like that. Switch to daily, is an auto

responder initially expecting people to get really annoyed at me. There was someone who

was like that, but generally speaking the most people were happy about it and not only that if

they miss the day or if you change that and skip the day or something, you will get people

with email… where is my email? I didn’t get one today, if something happen, if you lose it or

something like that. Since, I stop doing daily emails, I even know, I too send email. I just did

because it’s not often right now. I often get people are saying where are my emails. You are

still doing the daily stuff anymore or … stop receiving him.

Nick: Yeah, yeah, and here’s another thing that it just occurred to me that I

was really dropped in the ball on early on that you think that people are going to be prissy if

you pitch in all of your emails. I pitch every email that I sent out. I don’t really send out any

sort of hard content whatsoever. Someone, who might appear like, it is that really isn’t more

entertaining actually giving out the solid content. I used to be scared to put in a pitch. I just

want it hey just go check out this free thing and it kind of reminded me of something that my

grandmother used to say, why buy the cow when you’re getting milk free and the same with

your email marketing. Why you going to buy any of your products, you’re given it every day in

your emails, you’re giving away free anyway. So, if you have something of value, something

that people should want to pay for it, that is something that would solve their problems, then

you should be pitching it. You should be letting them have that. It’s the right thing to do. It’s

the ethical thing to do, sell them.

John McIntyre: Absolutely, 100%, just an interesting thing, I use to think like

100% stuff like that but was always like that in every instance. Why she find the answer will

be wondering sometimes you know much more open approach works better for example I got

an email this morning from which you know so he sent an email I thank you basically want to

make sure he’s free information is better than most people’s paid information in the history of

the season to send that information to send out that’s better than what you pay for with most

other people and his strategy is totally different to say what you’re doing more than you know

I’ve done the cost and he’s got a very big business.

Nick: Yeah, yeah absolutely.

John McIntyre: So, there’s this newest answer where both strategies can work

that I don’t actually know which ones the best. I used to I probably even now have over saying

that premise approaches the more better approach this can become more that way as the

time goes on.

Nick: You know I had no idea I know what seems to work for others you know

if they’re free stuff is great you can get this idea will then there will be even more great but

with you can give it is kind of a little bit different it’s why I would say that I’m putting out

more entertainment and I think right now I could watch when a remedial courses for example.

I think probably doesn’t matter and I probably gain as shit and I learned so much stuff from it

or house of cards season three on Netflix in my queue that a lot yet which is more appealing

to me right now I’m ultimately believe that remain course would certainly better, but the

back of my mind just like most people I want to be entertained. I want to be entertained the

more tempting people need to do right now, I am not saying now we give in to temptation

neither do your customers and potential customers, but I think the value that you’re offering

when you’re offering entertainment especially become kind of disguised are not necessary

disguise that comes mixed in with some teaching is really offering of values that they can

really get anywhere else you could be entertaining that might just be the most highly valued

be out there is to be entertaining.

John McIntyre: Yeah, yeah I mean this time and i never thought about

this for a long time did you see what happened to the next 5 10 years the content marketing

which way, but it seems like you found 20 perhaps like the more aggressive approach doesn’t

work will be accompanied the way it does for small operator.

Nick: Agree and I don’t think you should just be aggressive in your sales

approach. I mean should you be promoting, yeah of course you should, but should you choose

to be doing straight hard peaches not your email no don’t do that then people will and should

be boring and it’s predictable and not be fun.

John McIntyre: Yeah, so we run on time and before we go though give

the listener like if someone wants to find out where you are and what site is to buy the

products. What’s the best place for them to do that?

Nick: I’m going to give you one of my paid products for free for all of

your listeners, so what they can do is to listen to this right now and just go to email

marketing done dot com slash McIntyre and then you will be able to get the opening sequence

where I review exactly the step-by-step formula for creating that route in its response from

the get-go that I can I referred to earlier I’m just going to give you that program that works

for free. So, just go to that URL that I just mentioned emailmarketingdone.com/McIntyre and

choose for free.

John McIntyre: That’s the micmethod.

Nick: Ok let’s go with Micmethod, emailmarketingdone.com/


John McIntyre: Awesome, Nick thanks for coming on the show man.

Nick: Thanks for having me. It was a pleasure to be on here.

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