Episode #110 – Jon Ferrara on The Importance of Relationships and Social Media In Business Today (turn contacts into gold)

by John McIntyre

Jon Ferrara is like the Thomas Edison of online marketing.

He loves relationships, he loves to teach, and he’s invented some killer softwares.

In this world that is becoming more and more over-communicative,

Where we all struggle with nurturing relationships and scaling our careers at the same time,

Jon has taken this convoluted communication,

and is making it all make sense.

How else are we supposed to scale, maintain, and grow our relationships (let alone profit from them)?

Jon has created an answer to this problem,

Because where we are limited,

Technology can provide solutions..

Leave it to the guy who invented the CRM (he built the very first CRM called Goldmine).

Jon is taking the charge in relationships/business with Nimble, his social sales and marketing platform that helps entire companies scale with use of their relationships.

On this episode, we get into the nature of relationships,

And how to use them to grow your business,

Through strategic social media management,

That let’s you scale BIG,

While controlling each and every social platform with ease.

Jon also goes into detail about his exciting new platform that I just had to sign up for during the show.

Couldn’t hold off.

Get ready to be exciting too, when you learn how to nurture your most valuable relationships in various ways, with software or not.


In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • why social media is more than just a social networking platform
  • Jon’s daily routine that sheds light on how he keeps up with his social networking and keeps all his relationships strong at the same time (not an easy thing to do)
  • a super-networking-technique that creates very positive responses to anyone you do it to (from friends to acquaintances, this trick works)
  • The Dunbar Limit – the limit on number of connections humans can realistically maintain (his software helps you maintain thousands)
  • the best way to grow in today’s over connective and over communicative world (something very hard to do today)
  • how the world is a small place, and how that is changing the way business is conducted (relationships are growing more and more important than ever)
  • that vital importance of “top-of-mind” and how to stay there (no one cares about how awesome your product is.. they care about themselves)
  • why you need to pay attention to the Relationship Big Three: contacts, calendar, communication (and why you need to use all your social platforms and communication outlets together)

Email Marketing Podcast Episode 1


Intro and outro backing music: Forever More by CREO


Raw transcript:

Download PDF transcript here.

It’s John McIntyre here the autorespoder guy. I’m here with John Ferrara.

Now John is the founder of Nimble, which is as far as I understand, it’s a social

CRM .it brings in all the data from every platform, like LinkedIn, twitter, email,

all the different sites out there. Someone might have a social profile on

apparently, I think, even blogs, because I just jumped on the family out there and

I was like oh I know a bit about you. You’ve actually been in the Philippines and

building a resort and how do you even know that, that’s kind of hard to find. So,

it sounds like a very interesting platform. And I want to get… actually, the story

of how I found john. I was doing some emailing to people who were doing

infusionsoft , so then they cancelled infusionsoft and then got a Nimble, and they

I say well, can I talk about Nimble? And they say no, you can’t interview me,

you’ve got to interview the guy who got the company, so that makes a lot more

sense. And that’s why I hit up John and say let’s talk, let’s have a chat, so now

we are here. And I want to find out about what Nimble does, a bit about the

relationship side of it and why, John as far as I understand really believes in, this

is all about real relationships and exploring who someone is. A little bit different

from the ordinary. The old school marketers approach. So it’s going to be an

interest episode. John, how are you?

John Ferrara: I’m great John, It’s a pleasure to connect with you and your community. I love

to teach. I believe that the more people you can help grow, the more you grow.

So I love every opportunity to get in my self-box and talk about the power of

relationships. And its ability to help you reach your dreams by helping other

people achieve theirs.

John McIntyre: yeah, fantastic, man it’s a pleasure to have you on the show. So, before we

get into some of the relationships on the needy greedy of what’s actually going

on the world today with the stuff, can you give me a list of a little bit of the

background on who you are and what do you do?

John Ferrara: Sure. so, some people call me the Don Quixote of relationships and some

people call me the Godfather of CRM but I’m just the guy that struggles like

every other business person to identify people that matters to reach out and build

connections that enable me to stay on top of mind, so when they bind decisions,

they consider my products or services. I started out as a sales guy when I was a

kid, and I struggle with managing relationships , and I looked around and I

couldn’t find a tool that helped me out to do that well. So I quit my job when I

was 29 years old and I started a company called Goldmine. Have you heard of

Goldmine John?

John McIntyre: I have not no

John Ferrara: So if you google John Ferrara Goldmine what you’ll see is that before there

was outlook, before there was outlook before salesforce existed , Goldmine was

that contact tool that people use to manage relationships and to turn contacts into

Gold. So, basically in 1989 I was the first company that integrated contacts,

calendar, communication, sales market animation and collaboration into a

business team tool that we sold to over 5 million companies around the world.

John McIntyre: nice, so I just found the website here. Is still going?

John Ferrara: Yeah, we sold the company in 1999. So we started in 1989. Started the company

on 5,000 no bank loans, no venture capital , so when we sold it we were doing

around 7 million of dollars a year , about 5 million customers and after ran in a

business for about 10 years I didn’t really have that much time for connecting to

people that were important to me like my family and my friends, so I sold the

business and the guy that I sold it to sold it for the double of what he paid me for

and then some Venture firm bought it and they started putting some management

people that they had no idea of what they were doing, so the company started to

sort of floated for a while

John McIntyre: ok, ok that’s a cool story

John Ferrara: So the thing is, that having an inventive SFA CRM contact management and

market animation before they existed. I know a thing or two about the market and

I took time out to raise 3 babies , because I truly believe we are all this planet to

grow our souls and help people grow theirs , and I think you can’t do that unless

you are present with other human beings and I think the most important people

to be present with are your family and friends, so I took some time in my life to

do that, but in the process I started to use social media and I started to use the

power and its ability to help me connect other human beings effectively and I

saw how it was going to change the way our customers make bind decisions and

companies engage with them, and I started looking for a tool that enabled me to

integrate social media with relationships . I saw that contact tools didn’t do that

where we all live outlook, address book and google contacts and then I started to

just look CRM systems and saw they weren’t even about relationships, they were

really management reporting t tools. So CMR stands for more costumers

reporting management than relationship management. There are 225.000 global

businesses, less than 3% use any CMR. Most of use spreadsheets. so I got back

into business to fix what I think is broken what I think is relationship management

market , because if you weren’t force to use see around you wouldn’t use it, that’s

why they call it salesforce , because you have to force people to use it.

John McIntyre: mm ok, I haven’t heard that one before, it’s good. So, mean one think I’m

going… the directions I’m going to take this conversation. I think, one interesting

part is this philosophy you’ve got with helping people, like believing we are

really here to grow and to help other people grow is the best way to grow, so

what motivates that philosophy? Where does it come from?

John Ferrara: well, if you think about, if you go back before the madmen marketing that

occurred from mass manufacturing, if you go back to the small town of any

country, people knew each other and business people built their reputation and

the promises they made and the experiences they delivered and the people they

served and how they grew. And so today I think that social media is increasing

that transparency and expectations of costumers to company, of employees to

employers, and is creating a world of small towns. So I believe that as Six Ziegler

said, the more people you help to grow the more you’ll grow and the best way to

do that is being someone who is trusted advisor, so when they make bind

decisions they think of you. It’s just hard to do in todays over connected and over

communicated world. so what I’ve done is create a platform to help people to

more effectively connect and stay connected to people that matters in their lives,

and is not prospects and costumers, they are going to help you grow your

business. For instance John, you connected with me. I’m not a prospect or

costumer to your lead conversion strategy, marketing animation consulting

practice s, no. I’m a person that can help teach other people about the promise of

building a marketing and their lead conversion strategy, because I’m someone

who knows a thing about that, so you are building relationship with me and see

that relationship, you are then connecting with other people and setting yourself

up as a trusted advisor and people that you can help grow. So ultimately John I

think what you’ve done in your whole life is identify people you can help grow.

and whether you are helping them with leads or whether you are helping them

with education or whether you are helping build bridges in some place, I really

believe that we are here in the planet to help other people grow and ultimately is

about growing on your soul, because I believe that like I said, we are on this

planet to grow our souls and we do that by being present with other human beings

by sharing our passions and dreams and through vibration we help each other

succeed and ultimately that’s all we lead this planet with. Through those

vibrations or connections. And I think that from a business perspective, that’s a

very powerful thing. If you are connecting with other people not to tag them, but

to serve them, because I believe that sales is a service

John McIntyre: mm I like that, I think it’s the world changing in some way with technology

in the sense that , like you said , because it’s all connected and we have all these

software applications that allow us to build this relationships across the world.

So you are in a different state and you thought I was in Thailand or Australia.

Here I am in you know, Vancouver , but I think you are right, with this idea that

the world is getting smaller or flatter as one guy said and that’s changing the way

business is done .this is all taken from oh I’m going to market and sell stuff to

how can I help you? How can I serve you?

John Ferrara: and ultimately it’s not about business, it’s about relationships , because

hopefully you are doing business with people that you like , and you are

connecting beyond the, you know, how much money can I make from you , or

how many things did you order from me . it’s about shared passions and dreams

and you are sharing that with that person , whether is a photograph of some

mountains with a client or your baby or the sunset or some food that you ate, all

the different tools we have for sharing in social media and connections are

increasing the top of my bonding you have with other people, and ultimately

that’s great for business , because what Mike West said is that tout of sight, out

of mind ,and out of mind you are out of money honey and if you are not on top

of mind with your costumers when you are binding decisions, you are threw, and

how do you stay on top of mind? You don’t do that by sending a quarterly

newsletter letter , you don’t do that by sending them an email or saying how great

your businesses are , because who cares about how great you are or how your

products are . They cared about themselves. People buy better versions of

themselves, they don’t buy great products. So if you can be seen as a trusted

advisor, someone who can help them grow, when they do need your products or

services or they contact you, they will bring their friends

John McIntyre: mm, ok, so I’m curious, with this philosophy, how did you apply this

philosophy in your life?

John Ferrara: well, I believe that the heart of relationships are our contacts, our calendar and

our communication. And ultimately, our contacts and communications are not

only in our outlooks and google contacts they are across six different tabs or

browsers and three different laps or desktops, so twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,

Pinterest, foursquare, google plus, angelus, crunchbase, quora, etc. I think in

today’s world we are over connected or over communicated and it’s hard to

identify people that matter. So imagine me John five years ago when I envision

social and that’s the what it has changed and the way costumers make bind

decisions and companies engage with them . And I wanted to build a platform

that would empowered people to do that as at scale how do I build my own brand

and the Nimble brand, because look Goldmine was a grandpa’s platform back in

the days, so they are not going to remember what Goldmine was, even who John

Ferrara was because base guy had been a dad for eight years, right? and so I have

to grow and build my brand and build the Nimble brand from scratch and I did

that without any marketing dollars , so the way I did it was so I reached out and

connected with influences and the core of constituency in around the area of the

promises of my products , so what that means is I found the people who

influenced my perspective customers in around the areas of promise of Nimble

which is sales, marketing , startups , entrepreneurship social media , social

business, etc. and I reached out and built and authentic relationships and relevant

relationship with these people where I then I established a human connection ,

and then overtime we became friends and , they supported each other, they started

to give each other feedback in the Nimble idea and we started talking about

Nimble, and then eventually that scaled the brand of the company to their

networks and their networks of networks and now we are generating 70,000

visitors per month in our website . We are converting at 10% a trial and 20%

paid-with no advertising, no salespeople, so basically the stuff I’m talking about

is powerful and they work, and is not different from the way I built Goldmine.

So think about this John. Imagine having a network application before people

knew they needed networks, so back in the day in 1999 businesses were adopting

computers in the early days and they bought novel networks to tie up printers and

hard drives together, but there were no business applications that enable people

to share data, so there was no outlook, there was no combination of email

calendar and contact. I created the first platform and then I integrated market

animation, so I built if this and that for businesses people and people in

companies , so then you can essentially say , if you put an email in the Goldmine

data base and it looks like this , then do that, day one do this, then do that , so I

built the first relationship platform for a company, how do you sell that?, so I was

a kid in an apartment with 5,000 dollars, so the way I did it was, I identify the

influences of my prospects, novel network resellers . I called them up one by one

around the glove and I got them to use Goldmine, cause people use what they

know and they know what they use, so they started using it, they started to

recommend it and that’s what bootstrap Goldmine and I never took a dime of

money from anyone and essentially, today we are doing the same thing, but in a

digital social way, so the idea of influence marketing, influential engagement is

very powerful. And it’s just hard to do with the tool we had to do when you are

living with outlook, address book and google contacts and twitter, Facebook ,

limekiln ,etc., and try to manage all those connections and conversations .

John McIntyre: mm ok, one thing that that is hard to manage, one objection I’m seeing myself

and I reckon anyone who is listening is that, it’s going to be like wow, you now I

can just go to Facebook or google and buy some ads and do it that way , but it’s

a going connection , this real, this actual relationships , that’s going to take time

and you know it’s going to take time and too much effort

John Ferrara: yes, but you know people overestimate what they can do in a few years and

they underestimate what they can do in ten , and you know, how long you have

been doing what you are doing? You are basically managing a resort how long


John: I think I sent my first invoice when I was in the copywriting stuff in about two years.

It was in 2012, so almost 3 years ago

John Ferrara: yeah, and look where you are now, you know, you are a global marketing

strategist and consultant right?

John McIntyre : yeah.

John Ferrara: so imagine where you are going to be in 5 years or 10 years, so you know,

you can be downed at how long is going to take to build your brand and grow

your network, but if you don’t start today, you won’t get anywhere tomorrow,

so I believe that your network is your net worth, that your personal brand plus

your professional network equals your professional net worth and that goes for

individual or goes for company and look what we have done with Nimble.

Nimble is a global brand. All done without any advertisement spam. All done

by in relationships with influential and building community through

conversation by inspiring other people with content and that’s the future of


John McIntyre: content or relationships

John Ferrara: Yeah, so basically think about this. You are in a digital boat in the social

river, and what you need to do is to be able to drop large into the river and be

able to get binds in those legs and bring them in, so today if you are smart, you

are sharing content and inspire educate other people . We call that the five E’s

of social business: educate, exchange, engage, embrace and empower your

costumers and you do that by giving knowledge. So in a daily basis you share

content and you inspire educate people about how can they be more affective at

lead conversion and marketing and costumers life cycle. People see you as a

leader John?

John McIntyre: absolutely

John Ferrara: and if you then bring in the people that matter by whatever you identify what

matters to you and your business and you build a connection and start a

conversation, would you then start building a network around your business?

And how many people will then convert into costumers?

John McIntyre: a lot of them

John Ferrara: so you and I are reading from the same book, and this is the future of business

because Facebook ads get ignore .So what you need to do is become a trusted

advisor to your prospects and costumers and you do that by not just going after

prospects costumers, but you do that by going after people that influence them,

because your recommendation from other people are more powerful than you

telling them how great you are. So I tell people, if you teach people to fish they

will figure out how to fish in pools

John McIntyre: and actually, in this experience, during this podcast by the time this goes

live. We are in the episode 100 and eight- ish . so one thing that blows me away

when I started I didn’t know how long I was going to do this for or what

responses I was going to have , but after doing for almost 2 years now it’s been

incredible to see . Friends of mine that I’ve spoken to and they say the same

thing. it’s been incredible to see the response in terms o you know, what’s done

for the business in terms of the money I make , but also for the description

John Ferrara: Well, you know, I tell people stories to teach them these ideas, cause

ultimately if you tell them something exactly they are not going to remember,

but if you tell them a story they remember. So the story I tell people on the lines

exactly what we are talking about, is that social media is like a cocktail party.

You don’t walk into a business function and say “hey I’m john McIntyre , you

guys want to buy some marketing consulting?” right? You walk into the room

and you look around and you identify people you might want to connect to ,

you walk up in a stage and you begin to listen to conversations and eventually

you start valuing the conversation , so they might be talking about gosh I have

this business and you know I used to do advertisement and yellow pages and

that’s not working and we had this in the newspaper and that’s not working and

you know, I hear about this social media stuff, but I just , you know, Facebook

is a place for my wife and I just don’t understand the social stuff and they might

start saying: well, you know I’ve read about how -it’s not really social media ,

but basically that business is social, life is social people are binding, people are

liking , they like people and you know them and then you start teaching them a

bit and you know john it seems like you know a lot about those stuff and what

do you do? And you know, I just happen to consult that stuff, so what happens

is when you are going after people telling how great you are and you then teach

them how to be great. and not only that, but if you go into a room and there are

these other thought leaders and you begin to have conversations with them,

when new people enter into the room they go “wow john is talking to this other

thought leaders and you must be a thought leader and all of the sudden you are

a thought leader , and it’s just like and it’s just because you are having

conversations and beginning to learn–and begging to share what they are

sharing and then adding your own thoughts onto it and so that’s what you’ve

done with your brand, and that’s what every business and every person in the

world needs to begin doing today

John McIntyre: it’s interesting one thing I was thinking about when you were speaking is

that people it’s hard to get in the game and into business thinking like wow I

have to become an expert and behaving like one and talking like one and and

everyone will look at me as an expert . So one thing I’ve realized is, just from

experience is that that needs to be reversed. That how it actually works is that

you have to start acting like an expert before everyone thinks you are an expert.

so when you go to this cocktail party or you show up online with a

website you start giving advice and you know it should be good advice, but

you know overtime what will actually happen is that people will eventually see

you as an expert the more you start acting and doing the things an expert do .

No one will think you are an expert before that point, so that’s…..

John Ferrara: yeah you know they say fake it until you make it

John McIntyre: yeah, and that’s fair, and you know part of the is that is not so much, part of

the deal, you know I mean , sometimes it is going to be, sometimes you have

this element anywhere you have to fake it a bit, at at least at the beginning .

but what happens over time is that if you are te sort of person that starts faking

it, overtime, because then you start getting more attention , so then you get

more clients and customers , then you get experience with those clients, so

eventually overtime you develop the skills anyways.

John Ferrara: Yeah

John McIntyre: but you know when you fake it….

John Ferrara: I was kidding John. I really believe that the more things change, the more

they stay the same in social it’s just a new channel of conversations that

ultimately is the basics in business that wins game. , and this is what people

forget. It’s saying what you are going to do , say what you are going to say and

follow up and follow through, and this is where most people fail, because they

start getting excited about social media and they are making connections and do

all these stuff and what they forget is the basics of identifying people that

matters , building relevant and authentic relationship, so then you stay top of

mind with that business person, so when they make a bind decision, they think

of you, and then you follow through what you promised to do, and you deliver

to them to build your reputation and grow your business . It’s really simple. The

problem is that we are over connected and over communicated and how is your

inbox John?

John McIntyre: it’s probably about 10 or 15 emails every now and then.

John Ferrara: yeah, mine get thousands and my signals on my social media have hundreds

or thousands per day. So we are telling everyone out there that content enables

you to build that reputation and connect with people that matters and we teach

them to share content on a regular basis. You share content on a regular basis,

don’t you John?

John McIntyre: yeah

John Ferrara: Okay, so if you are sharing content to inspire and educate people on a daily

basis, are you going to get connections with other business prospects?

John McIntyre: do you mean with email or with social media right?

John: yes, of course.

John Ferrara: so eventually, your social media connections and conversations are going to

get louder than your inbox. So then what do you do? So what ultimately what

we need is an engine that listens to our signals, layers intelligent on top of those

contracts and connections, identifies the people that matters to and help us to

nurture those relationships and to stay on top of mind, because today you live in

outlook , address book or google contacts, twitter, Facebook

and LinkedIn, and some kind of market animation and CRM , and none of

those things are connected and is hard , isn’t it?

John McIntyre: mm . It’s really hard. I’m curious, you know, so based on, if you get

thousands of emails or hundreds of emails and thousands of connections in

social media how do you …..What it comes to the actual social needy greedy

of your daily routine. How do you actually manage all this?

John Ferrara: so what I do is, I use Nimble to identify the people that match the DNA of

people that matters to me. So Nimble on any signal, on any or in the most

important business signals are email and calendar , and then beyond that all the

conversations and connections that you are generating through social , Nimble

layers them intelligently on top of every person, remember I said I nimble

you?. So Nimble essentially takes a bit of your information and ties that to other

bits on thousands of data basis to build a social profile of who you are and

matches that to the people that matters to me typically from my business, and

then surface the ones that are important and then it develops a cycle to stay in

touch, cause like Mike West said, out of sight, out of mind, out of mind out of

money honey. So how do you keep in touch today? You don’t send them emails

and say hey john did you look at Nimble? Did you think about binding? you

stay in mind by walking someone’s digital footprint and having valuable

conversations so the next time you reach out it’s a warm call and so Nimble

manages that not just in the Nimble platform, but everywhere it works, because

today we still live in inbox and in LinkedIn-and in twitter and in Facebook and

in google plus _or Instagram, or whatever it happens to be. so Nimble

automatically builds an intelligent -relationship -platform by gathering your

contacts, your calendar , your email and your social conversations interactions

builds a data base , keeps in all the data in a daily basis and then you can take it

with you in any app, anywhere you are and it adds inside and intelligence to

that engagement

John McIntyre: it sounds like an impressive software. One thing, What I would like to thing

in the morning is that you wake up one day and you get started, it’s time to do

that, time to do this, time to connect, you, what happens? What’s the process?

So you log in and you see someone over here and you. How does it work?

John Ferrara: sure, so in the morning, is get an email, and it’s called them Nimble daily, and

the Nimble daily essentially tells me the key things that have been going on for

the day, and the most important things are the basic stuff, right? It’s the meeting

you’ve set, you’ve scheduled, and the activities, the tasks you’ve created for

yourself, those are the core things that you need to focus on. Then beyond that,

there are signals that happen, so people plus one comment, retweet , otherwise

engage with you, Nimble looks at all those signals , layers intelligent on top of

all of them and surface the top ten to you. So that’s my Nimble daily, that’s how

I start. I get an email, and there is also a today page in Nimble that shows me all

that. so , like for the meetings , I’ll review who that person is, the history of our

relationship and what I want to accomplished in the meeting , for the task and

review the tasks and prioritize them . and then for the signals we then respond

them, so Nimble gives me the ability to reply or otherwise engage with those

signals: birthdays, job changes, etc. and then during the day, I’ll go back and look

at those signals, or more importantly, whatever I happen to be, I’ll use Nimble to

Nimble those people, so I’m sitting inside my inbox, and I’m looking at a message

from somebody. I can Nimble them and Nimble tells me exactly who they are ,

so I’m sitting there inside the email that you sent to me in Gmail about this

podcast , and inside there is your record in Nimble including who you are , where

you are from, where you work, what your influential is , the history of our

conversations , and what you are saying to the world, and then from here and can

do the follow through tasks that I need to do, because every engagement email,

social or conversation in person, in the phone , in Skype result in a follow up or

a follow through up task that you should be doing, because if you don’t have a

purpose, for the connection, ultimately it’s just blind bumping in the night, and

so I would then schedule the follow things that I need to do and I might not have

a specific thing, but I might want to stay in top of mind , because basically we

connected and I might want to stay connected with you to develop a relationship

. I can set a touch cycle and stay in touch , because Nimble knows every time that

you and I have connected , I’s knows the last time we connected , so I can say to

Nimble , I want to connect and stay connected with John every three months or

every 30 days and If I don’t stay connected with you Nimble will remind me to

reach out , and rather than send you an email, and saying how is that podcast

going, or have you tried Nimble, I might walk in your footprint and then share

some of your content and add value to it.

John McIntyre: Oh I see what you mean, so it lets you add a lot more, instead of just doing

like oh hey checking in, hey have you tried Nimble yet?, it’s going to be like; hey

there is this great podcast , you can share it and then they all see that you are

sharing it and then we can talk a week later and then you check and I’m more

receptive to you

John Ferrara: Bingo! Bingo, bingo, and that’s the natural thing we should all be doing, but

the thing is, is hard to do that at scale. And so, wouldn’t it be great if you knew

you were having a meeting with somebody and the system actually said: hey why

don’t you go and share some of John’s comments before the meeting or after the

meeting? or if there was no connection or conversation 30 days after a meeting it

says: hey you took the time to meet with this guy, you should follow up and

follow through , here are some things you should do . And I think we all need a

second brain in our over connected, over communicated world, and Nimble was

designed to help you do that, because it’s just hard , you know there is a Dunbar’s

limit. The limit on the Nimble connections you can actually maintain as a human

being. and there was a study done by this English fellow, google it : Dunbar’s

limit, and so basically, it’s limited by our contacts, so all of our contents are about

the same , it’s that thing in the back of your brain , and it’s about a 100,000 people

max and the average network in Nimble is in the thousands and so, John there

are people that you’ve met two years ago, that you’ve lost touch with , that could

be powerful for your business , but you don’t know it and they are forgotten

John McIntyre: so you are saying Nimble has an outgrowing to figure out base on who I’m

connected right now . it actually tells me who it’s worth to connect with?

John Ferrara: Mhm

John McIntyre: ooh, because that’s even more interesting. so there is a lot in there, I can go

and add in people that I actively want to connect with , but this is also is going to

give me a list of people that , of you know, based on your profile already , you

should go and connect with these five or ten people as well

John Ferrara: Exactly, so what happens is that Nimble maps the background of people and

companies across all their identities. and then we bring the data down, because

ultimately a data base is as good as a data, and so imagine if infusionsoft had a

data base on people, that you can then segment based on who they are , what their

business is about and their interactions that they have with you , your team and

your brand or email calendar or social. What can you do with that?

John McIntyre: that’s a pretty interesting stuff. That’s for sure.

John Ferrara: well the thing I mean is this , today, when you sign up for a product, you get a

generic message , day one here are some links, day three: how is it going?, day

seven: what did you sign up? , right?

John McIntyre: yeah,

John Ferrara: Imagine if the message was longer than this. Day one: John, as a strategist in

the marketing area, I know you understand the power of authentic one to one

conversations and connections, that’s why we believe Nimble, could power your

engagement in a much more intelligent way. We look forward to help you grow

, will that be different than here are seven links?

John McIntyre : much better, yes

John Ferrara: Ok, so imagine me being a kid, 25 years ago in trade market and animated

processes actions based on triggers . I invented animated marketing, and I’m here

to reinvented

John McIntyre: ok, I’m curious, can I tell do with Nimble? Can I go and set up like an email

like an email funnel or is it just for social stuff?

John Ferrara: so, I’m building it one day at the time. So, what I’ve done so far is integrated

your contact calendar and communications on email calendar and social, so you

have a data base that automatically builds itself. so you add Nimble to all the

things you have, we then bring all your contacts together, map their profiles,

bring down the data, the next step is that you are going to be able to segment that

data on any of that information, so you can say: give me everybody who is

influential in marketing who as a club score graded in this, who you’ve contacted

in this amount of time , or I’m not connected or I’m connected or all those

different things. Can you imagine?

John McIntyre: yeah

John Ferrara: ok, that’s segmentation. once you segment them, then you can put them into

processing tracks, so if this and that for people in companies, if you look like this

, then do that , if I do this or I don’t do that, do this. So the segmentation would

come next, and then after that you’ve have the deep tracks. So the deep tracks

might me emails or might be social, they might be things you want to do. So if

you look like this add it to the list. If they look like this, then follow them. If they

look like this, then send them, put them in this track of email drip. If they do this

or don’t do that, then do this.

John McIntyre: yeah, that’s very interesting, so then you can have a funnel, so instead of just

being an email funnel, you can say hey first send an email, then twit them and

say: Did you get my email?, then twit one of the articles on their website and you

can automatically do all that process

John Ferrara: Bingo

John McIntyre: that’s pretty epic. I’m actually signing up now, integrating my twitter account,

I want to have a look at this

John Ferrara: So, Nimble, is the simplest , smartest social, sales and marketing platform that

is designed not for sales people, but for the whole company, cause it not just sales

people are attached to costumers , everybody in the company touches the

customer across entire life cycle , and you shouldn’t just have a sales system and

sales , a marketing system and marketing, accounting system in accounting , etc.,

right?, so that’s what power Goldmine was in just in sales the whole company

adapted it. So Nimble is a platform that the whole company can use, so no matter

who picks up the phone, you know exactly who they are, the history of the

conversations, and how you might serve them.

John McIntyre: yeah, very cool man. Alright, so if people want to go and have a look at this,

like I’m right now, what’s the best place to do that?

John Ferrara: Nimble.com. They can sign up, it’s a two weeks free trial, be sure to load our

chrome widget, that’s our smart contact up. So basically, you can Nimble

everywhere you are, so imagine if you are LinkedIn and you are looking at a

profile, you can Nimble it. And if they are in out Nimble system already, you get

not just the LinkedIn profile , which is the resume what they want you to see,

but you get their Instagram , their twitter, their Facebook, their google plus, they

Angelis, whatever you need, Imagine being inside of hubsweet and being able to

bring in Nimble and help discover on every contact that it’s in there, being in

twitter, being in Facebook, being in a Forbes article and wanting to know who

the author is , you can Nimble them . So Nimble is a verb

John McIntyre: Nimble is a verb, I like it, I’m going to Nimble, I’m going to Nimble you after

this call and see what I can find out. I just signed up man, I’ve just imported my

data, so I’m going to have fun playing around with this this week

John Ferrara: Awesome

John McIntyre: John it’s been good to have you on the show man

John Ferrara: John I really appreciated, I love to teach, I truly believe the more people you

help grow the more you’ll grow. that services is the new sale , and I encourage

your audience to follow me on twitter and is johnGillian_Ferrara , because I’d

love to learn more about them and how I might be able to serve them and help

them grow.

John McIntyre: cool, fantastic. All the links to nimble and twitter on this show are at

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